In this particular cir

stance, parliamentary procedure does not take place, as provision is already voted in by a majority, for emergency powers to be invoked for the purpose of maintaining order. This is true in the UK, the USA, Canada and probably other nations as well.
Okay, no real disagreement here. But aren't you accepting hearsay when you state that police are using (or might be using) their special emergency authority too roughly? Such emergency search and detain powers do need to be executed without a please and thank you. The very nature of the violence that causes the need for such extraordinary powers, mitigates against long discussions before the fact with a person being dealt with by the police. The specific training and expectation is that the citizen either cooperates immediately or is dealt with as a potential suspect. If one has never seen such an occurrence in their city or town, I expect it would be frightening and shocking.
I'll cite the example of being suddenly and innocently being dropped into such a maelstrom of violence......the concept of correct application of authority ceases to be academic and quickly devolves into survival.