This topic is big in the UK papers right now coz a nurse took her own life and there was a royal wedding conection so it was the top story. What about the other 5600 suicides every year in this one small country? Those other deaths were all just as tragic. In all the newspaper coverage every single article missed the point ,the one point you need to learn about suicide, which is all about one simple word; listen.
Someone who has reached the stage when life is no longer worth living does not need your advice, your sympathy, your pity, your suggestions, your niceness, your views on right and wrong and definately not your fucking religion. Just needs you to listen without judgeing. Not as easy as it sounds so practice being a good listener and oneday your listening skills might save your friends life.
Someone who has reached the stage when life is no longer worth living does not need your advice, your sympathy, your pity, your suggestions, your niceness, your views on right and wrong and definately not your fucking religion. Just needs you to listen without judgeing. Not as easy as it sounds so practice being a good listener and oneday your listening skills might save your friends life.