Honestly, I'm about to give up. The porn nowadays is littered by guys I don't even remotely find attractive, even in the few (supposedly) big studios left in business. It's like they're literally picking random bums off the street. I mean, seriously, going to my local supermarket or whatever provides me with better fantasy material then watching those countless uggos going at it.
Also, no one is making any effort into making a scene, as long it's bareback!!!!!!11~. Like that's supposed to be shocking and groundbreaking these days when at least 90% of all porn is like that?
And don't get me started on the OF/JFF nonsense. I mean, I get why people are doing it. I guess all the piracy has left the regular studio porn with little to no money. But expecting someone to pay for 30 second, horrible quality videos of jerking off your cock? Give me a break.