I think no one here is laughting at you. We are with you.
Your teacher of religion is just liar! All people are various. Someone is good someone is bad. Or better say everyone is sometimes good and sometimes bad. No one is devil no one is angel. I know one proverb which really fits on most of these preachers: "Under the candle is biggiest darkness." Gay people are same bad or same good as straight people are. Being good or bad is about character. Being intrested to same or opposite sex is about sexual orintation. There is no connection between these two things.
As I wrote on previous page. Homosexual behavior exist not only between people. So why humans should be exception? It's absolutely unlogical! There are many theories why some people are interested about same sex. For example that homosexual people are breeding by women which are geneticaly prepared to breed many childern. Or that homosexuals are often younger than their siblings (that after every childbirth mother's body mekes hormonal changes which increase probability that next one child will be homosexual). I'm not scientist so i can't rate it seriosly.
If you look on another things what church preach for example their issues about masturbation. They told (and in Poland maybe still are telling) that it's unhealthy, that it causes spleen, getting older visually, destroing genitals, destroing bloodstream. But reality is absoletely inverse in all these things. It's very good for circuling of blood, within orgasm veins getting endorphins - hormons of happiness, genitals which are in flow are healthier and more powerful. Just erotical or autoerotical activities is need for every adult (Except asexual poeple. But asexuality is not decision. It's nature for few people. So celibate of priests, munichs is not asexuality.- And also it's failuring often). Straight people also having sex oftely that the are breeding new generations (I believe in Poland it's secret).
So homosexuality as I understand it is just natural contraception. Mother nature is so intelligent that she gived for people sexual needs which are oportunity for deepest feeligs and emotions too. And she also knows that we pepople need more endorhines in our veins than childern in our houses and apartments so she make some people gay(Can you imagine that everyone would be straight and from every loving act would greed child?). Well, she probably doesn't calculate with cotraception pills and condoms but no one is perfect.

Deef, no one here wants to force you to any sexual activities. if you would be really asexual in your nature this would be no problem. Same as someone wants sex 3 times a day which is normal. Someone wants no sex which is also normal. Fucking is not prohibited but also not required.
Many gays on comming out has disgust for imagine sex with another man. I was the same. I heard thousand times that it's ungly, unnatural, that asshole is not for fucking, that gays are sex obsessed strangers for whom aren't girls enought.
Now 3 years later I know that gays are just guys who are interested about guys. That's definition. Nothing less nothing more. Except this they are quite same as straight people. Fat or slim, tall or small, young or old, talkactive or quiet, confident or shy etc...
I know I'm gay. I like all the people. I got also lot of female friends but the nearest one beside me has to be male. Also what
I do with
my ass is no one's other bussines. I keep trying to be good. And it does not interfere with my sexual orientation not even my sexual activities. I would even say I couldn't be good to people around me when I wouldn't be fair to myself.
I've read what you wrote It seems to me You're in doubt and don't want to do. Don't surrender. Althought your country is not friendly to you. Here are many gayfriendly placesd in Europe. It's good You've mentioned this possibility. Be sure that many possibilities is in front of you my friend! Summer is just beggining. When school will be over (or maybe already is when you are in last year of highschool). You could make a trip somewhere in summer. Prague or Berlin are both gayfriendly cities not far from Poland...
Main thing what I would like to tell you is that you are not strage definitely! Your situation may be, your country may be! But you are not! Don't doubting about yourself!
Don't let priests or religion teachers force you to be sad and doubtful. They don't want to help you or guide you. They just want to own you! Don't let them do that.
I hope I'm not extremely imperative. I'm just trying outweight what you heard in school and church. So don't let anyone to force you anything. Do what you want and need. And don't forget you aren't strange. doesn't matter if anyone says it. Live your own. good luck!