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SUICIDE United States 1-800-784-2433


Oct 17, 2008
Reaction score
Talking is the best thing.
Btw I added a little something special at the end of the main post.


Super Vip
Oct 25, 2008
Reaction score
Well Hey Hey we are all entitled to our opinions, and yours are as valid and as worthy as anyonelse here but all I can say from my own experience is that I beg to differ... when a very good friend of mine decided to suck on a shotgun and blow the top of his head off some years ago I seriously doubt that selfishness was at the heart of it... hurt, pain, I guess maybe selfloathing , I don't know... I have no fucking idea what prompted it... those left behind rarely do, we are just left with an empty space, and so many fucking questions...
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Oct 17, 2008
Reaction score
Yes but is it your fault that you wanted to die prob not a person who is suicdel is not the bad guy you can't always help the way you feel


well...im not sure if i could help the way i was feeling...but i know i could change it:) feelings are after all just that...a feeling!!! nothing more...just a temporary thing:) nothing in life is permanant..so don't get to involved in the moment:) i know its hard but try not to get too into it...things will always change:) and mostly for the good:D lol


Oct 17, 2008
Reaction score
Feelings are very strong and can cuase people to do unspeakable things


Oct 17, 2008
Reaction score
This a quote my friend found. "You can’t truly feel happiness until you experience enough sadness to know the difference." - anonymous


Feelings are very strong and can cuase people to do unspeakable things

This a quote my friend found. "You can’t truly feel happiness until you experience enough sadness to know the difference." - anonymous

yes they are...but we can still change what we think and feel:) and its not the feeling...its the thinking...if i want to be dead its in my hands, but thats not a feeling...its a fact!! i can take my life anytime i want:( but i don't want to now....we all have the power in are life:) for good or bad


Oct 17, 2008
Reaction score
I felt like this thread needed an important bump. People should know that there are resources to talk to people.


Oct 17, 2008
Reaction score
I have a friend who told me that she thinks suicidal people are pussy's. I don't understand why some people think this way. It really bothers me. She doesn't think their selfish just to much of a coward to face life. Again this bothers me. she gave me a poem that said "You can't truly know happiness experienced enough sadness to know the difference." I do agree with that and no I'm not bashing on my friend merely curious how other peoples minds work to generate that logic. I know that people will never be able to full understand another persons thoughts. Its just hard feeling a certain way and not knowing how to get people to understand. There are some people that will just never quite get it. I can't say I know what the future has in store for people who suffer from metal illness but I hope Its vastly different from this.


Nov 7, 2008
Reaction score
I think Josh that the problem is that we don't really understand what a suicidal person is feeling. We know what it is to be sad a depressed, and we think that is what the suicidal person is feeling. They should just get over it and move on like we do. But that is because we don't really understand how the feel. Not till you go there, or you really talk with someone do you know. A few years back now I had an online friend who was suicidal. And I was trying to tell them there was hope to move on. We were chatting via yahoo messenger as they were sitting on the bridge getting ready to jump. Eventually they said they were going to do it, and I told them they had to call me before they did. As I talked on the phone with them, I tried to say there was hope to go on, but deep down I actually thought, "Maybe there isn't. Maybe this is the best thing for them to end it." Thank God they didn't, and they are living a good life now. But in that moment I saw that this is not a weak way out. It is just that life has been so hard. We can't know what another is thinking and feeling, so we should be so careful before we judge them. So I dissagree with your friend.


thanks josh...keep bumping this up..and hope it helps someone:) we all need help

the world is never as bad as you think...and neither are you...we wakeup everyday alone..but thats OK

EVERYONE DOES TOO:) its just life...


Oct 17, 2008
Reaction score
I have a word to say about the "It gets better" campaign. They say it gets better after high school and college and that's true most of the time. I think asking us to wait it out isn't the best thing. If we have a problem with teen suicide because of bullying in high school or college we need to start fixing the problem not telling people to hold on a little longer. Even if it does get better most of the time the pain is so bad they can't wait till it gets better. I don't think that teaching tolerance of others in school is interfering with "Family values". Teaching tolerance is being a caring human being. Having your own family values is one thing but don't let your kid beat someone else for some value that you taught them. I'm sorry but bullying is a family value I don't want to teach anyone regardless of the reason. I don't care if your religion tells you homosexuality is wrong that doesn't give you or you kids or anyone else the right to inflict harm on anyone. We need to tech non violence and if that steps on your family values or religious beliefs then that's to bad. If we want our kids to treat people better then we have to do the same. We need to be positive role models for our kids. Teach kids to respect one another not hurt them.You wouldn't want someone hurting your kids so why would you allow or teach your kids to hurt someone else. Kids know what there taught. Don't wait for it to happen to your kids. Stand up teach your kids between right and wrong. Help them become a better person.

"We must be the change we wish to see in the world." Mohandas Gandhi
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Nov 7, 2008
Reaction score
I totally agree Josh. We need to learn tolerance and non-violence. There is nothing wrong with either of those things. We must learn to accept that others believe different things, the church I belong to talks about "Unity in diversity." We need to live with people who have different views. We don't have to agree with them, but we have to live in peace with them. And part of that is the school culture needs to change. Because even if we make it through high school, the things that people say can effect us for life. It adds to our view of ourselves, and that takes a long time to fix. So we need to help our young people. We need to become people who build up, not tear down, and makes sure others do the same.


New member
Nov 23, 2010
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Before I belatedly found greater compassion for others I was less tolerant.


To those who are contemplating suicide for practical reasons, such as being terminally ill and having deteriorated beyond the point of basic personal dignity:

A determined Google search will reveal a competent & humane last resort--allow me to repeat that: a LAST resort which will deliver an efficient exit without imperilling the lives of others.

Please don't jump off things or resort to gunfire etc. No one likes a messy drama queen.



Since I scribbled the above post I've become aware of a number of LGBT teen suicides in which the victims ended their lives in a truly horrific manner that inflicted unimaginable - and completely avoidable - suffering upon themselves: one dashed into the path of a transport truck; another hung himself only to survive (in a near brain-dead state) and slowly die ten days later; and so on.

I expect that these gruesome methods of self-execution were chosen in a storm of emotional turmoil & panic AND in the absence of any thorough research into more humane methods of ending one's life.

Please, please don't give into the self-destructive emotion of the moment. Instead do said research. For doing so will:

- partially diffuse your determination to end your life immediately

- give you more time to think your problems through and perhaps come up with a better solution than suicide/handing your tormenters an opportunity to laughingly high-five each other with the satisfaction of having conned you into murdering yourself.

- and if no one or nothing in this world can prevent you from killing yourself then at least you won't have to suffer a death worse than that imposed upon convicted murderers.

Something worth listening to:

This is a YouTube audio recording of a lengthy (~55 min.) interview with American figure skater Johnny Weir on Howard Stern's radio show.

In this wide-ranging interview Johnny shares his inspirational reaction to homophobic slurs directed at him when he was in school.

His interview is also a testament to the value of trying various things in life until one finds a pursuit which ignites one's passion to succeed, and thus inspires a self-determined effort hallmarked by pragmatic sacrifice sustained via a consistency of purpose--in short if you NEVER give up, you WILL move up and come to embrace one of the greatest truths in life: success is the best revenge! :)

More on Johnny Weir.
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Super Vip
Nov 1, 2010
Reaction score
I have a word to say about the "It gets better" campaign...

Of course, everything you suggest is needed and we need to press for change on all fronts: school, church, government, media, family and community.

But regarding It Gets Better, this isn't an either/or situation. We need both campaigns, and there is no reason why doing one precludes the other.

What the Dan Savage initiative brings to the table is an immediate and direct "hand on the shoulder" to kids (or anyone) contemplating suicide. It's an infusion of hope right now. It reaches past parents, school, church, and any other "gatekeepers" that might want to prevent a gay-positive message.

And most importantly, it puts the power to go on in the hands of victims. They don't have to wait for their tormentors to get the message and change. They can stop seeing themselves as victims, and begin to imagine an empowered future. It's not a message about help arriving in the distant future. It's speaking to their present state, saying "This current hell is not who you are and not what your life is going to be about. You are not trapped at a dead end. You are not a terrible sinful person. You are part of us - the gay community - and we are a fabulous people!"

We need to keep pressing for change in the culture. But at the same time, these kids can't wait for the culture to change. We can't leave their salvation dependent on other people getting the message and changing their ways.