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The Greek "tragedy"


Super Vip
Jun 21, 2009
Reaction score
Otage I think you are too pessimistic with your TITANIC-theory.

Union started as trade union. And with global thinking we have to scale up everything. And by capitalism profit is the same as good standards of life. The way how countries wellness is being measured is by GDP's etc. Europe will transform into this huge money factory to maximise it's profits on global competition, and the vast amount of well being will float in to the headquarters, leeching the roots.

This exploitation is quite common historical recipe for downfall. Allready small countries are suffering, and will continue till it reaches it's max. And again with global thinking, this kinda global economical rivalry isn't sustainable in a long run. Every great civilization usually has fallen to it's own self, to too huge expansion and consumption.

Unified Europa my ass. To me it seems Europe hasn't been this divided in a long while and the dissatisfaction only grows. Think globally, act globally: with this I think we can recycle this shit into somenthing usefull. At some point people will run after their away floating prosperity.


Super Vip
May 5, 2012
Reaction score

GB the "Saintly Germany"? :rofl:

Just I was running to a mirror and I've looked, where is my gloriole! Sadly I must tell you I couldn't find it.

But think one thing: 1945 when the war came to an end, Germany was not only on his knees but it was laying totally down. I've seen pictures from Berlin from 1945 made from an American architect. You only can see a totally devastated thing, what has been before a vivid city. And these architect back than said, that it will last more than 50 years to rebuild this city again, so that people can live within again.

Well, and I'm more than proud to say that, he has not known the strong will of the women of Berlin. The so called "Trümmerfrauen" rubble women. Our grandmas. And in 1955 in the than West-Berlin you couldn't find any ruins. So the more than 50 years reduced to 10 years. And we have had good Chancellors in this time which leads us to a good future as there are Konrad Adenauer and Ludwig Erhard (the father of the so called "economic miracle").

These women GB - these women are "German Saints".

Now Germany isn't any more a military power - thank God! But yes you are right Germany now is a economic power - but why shall I therefore apologize myself?
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Super Vip
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Have you ever considered counseling for your anger-management? :))

What do you think this forum is ;)

Sorry - being Irish I swear a lot - don't confuse colourful metaphors with anger.


Super Vip
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
GB the "Saintly Germany"? :rofl:

Just I was running to a mirror and I've looked, where is my gloriole! Sadly I must tell you I couldn't find it.

But think one thing: 1945 when the war came to an end, Germany was not only on his knees but it was laying totally down. I've seen pictures from Berlin from 1945 made from an American architect. You only can see a totally devastated thing, what has been before a vivid city. And these architect back than said, that it will last more than 50 years to rebuild this city again, so that people can live within again.

Well, and I'm more than proud to say that, he has not known the strong will of the women of Berlin. The so called "Trümmerfrauen" rubble women. Our grandmas. And in 1955 in the than West-Berlin you couldn't find any ruins. So the more than 50 years reduced to 10 years. And we have had good Chancellors in this time which leads us to a good future as there are Konrad Adenauer and Ludwig Erhard (the father of the so called "economic miracle").

These women GB - these women are "German Saints".

Now Germany isn't any more a military power - thank God! But yes you are right Germany now is a economic power - but why shall I therefore apologize myself?

You make it sound like it's all or nothing.

Either Germany is always right about everything, or it is always wrong.

Germany has a lot to be proud of.

The German government has also been proved wrong about their fiscal policy.

We've known since the 1930s that contractionary policies are contractionary, and that you get out of depressions with expansionary policies - a powerful example being the American 'New Deal'.

In the last decade, a radical new theory has taken hold over the European and American elite. The theory stated that austerity would be rewarded with financial growth. We've now run the experiment. The radical theory was bollox.

The response from the governments in London and Berlin? *fingers in the ears* la la la la la *fingers in the ears*

The policies based on expansionary austerity have failed. Their proposed answer? MORE MORE MORE!

How about a New Deal for Europe? How about basing policies on economic theories that stands up to the test of reality, and not fantasies?

Germany is wrong about this.

Germany is right about so much in the world.

Please don't take criticism of a single policy as criticism of everything about a nation!



Super Vip
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Well but may I ask you what for a German government you would like? A SPD (socialists) government? Or worse - a Red/Green/Dark Red Government. If that will happen, I'll promise you - we very soon are on the level of Greece!

And as well I think you will understand that when you are taking an accomodation you have to pay back this in a certain interval. If you will not do that and instead show the bank your finger (you know the Varoufakis-finger :no:) you will have to suffer the reaction!

I'm not asking for a change of government, just a change of policy.

I don't follow local German politics, so I have no idea what Angela Merkel is like on that. I just see Germany form the outside, as a world power, which it is.

On most matters of foreign policy Germany is playing a positive role in the world. It's just the economic policies that are wrong-headed because they are based on a theory that has been shown to be wrong.

The correct response to being wrong is to stop, re-think, and start over. That's all I am asking for.

Not a coup. Not a new leader. Not a new party, just a new policy to react to the failures of the old.

You have asked me if I will not have empathy! GB let me tell you, that I'm a very, very empathetic person and personality. I have compassion, I have always the impulse to help other people, I'll fight for our gay rights sometimes perhaps too much. But there is for my counterbalance my BF - sometimes I'm too emotional with too much empathy!

Then I would suggest thinking more about the ordinary Greeks, and less about the Greek Elite.

Just about all big-picture problems are caused by the elites, and the last people to suffer are always the elites. The ordinary people didn't cause this, but they are suffering. They need help before we drive them to extremism.

But I hate it so much to be cheated from friends as well as from politicians. Well such friends I can stop and exclude from my life. With politicians it is more difficult. In Germany I have the possibility every four years in the great election. And since I've been 18 I'll go to every election. And with foreign politicians it will be more than difficult. There I have only the possibility to make my opinion publicly. And that is what I do.

And yes for these Greek government I have NO EMPATHY!

This current Greek government is a radical departure from the old. The old Greek government was unceremoniously kicked out of power. Give the new guys a chance!



Super Vip
May 5, 2012
Reaction score

Hi Ioanna, thanks for this sad little tragedy. You're lamenting"...but nobody wants to pay if it goes bad .... that's bad"

Well let me give you some information about paying if it goes bad:
In May 2010 all the other European Countries together with the IMF remitted to Greece 107 billion Euros. Compbound 54,6 billion Euros from the European countries, 22,4 billion Euros from Germany and 30 billion Euros from the IMF.

In March 2012 all the other European Countries together with the IMF remitted to greece again 130 billion Euros. 74,4 billion Euros from all other European Countries, 27,6 billion Euros from Germany and from the IMF 28 billion Euros.

So Germany HAS remitted to Greece by now 50 billion Euros. And the rest of Europe remitted to Greece by now 187 billion Euros. Is that so bad as you are lamenting in your little poem? And so Germany has payed alone 38,76% to the help for Greece of all other European countries. Is that so bad? Is that no help? Where has the money gone? :?:?:?


Super Vip
May 5, 2012
Reaction score
I'm not asking for a change of government, just a change of policy.

The correct response to being wrong is to stop, re-think, and start over. That's all I am asking for.

Not a coup. Not a new leader. Not a new party, just a new policy to react to the failures of the old.

Then I would suggest thinking more about the ordinary Greeks, and less about the Greek Elite.

Just about all big-picture problems are caused by the elites, and the last people to suffer are always the elites. The ordinary people didn't cause this, but they are suffering. They need help before we drive them to extremism.

This current Greek government is a radical departure from the old. The old Greek government was unceremoniously kicked out of power. Give the new guys a chance!


GB honestly, I'm not a stubborn hardliner (only an impassioned debater and believe me in German better than in English - but that will be needless to say!). And perhaps you will be right with your question for a re-think and a start over. But how it should be possible to make a new policy to the failures of the old? What could we do?

Than you have given me the advise to think more about the ordinary Greek than about the Greek elite.
My thinking was never geared to the Greek elite. I'm abominating these corrupt so-called "elite". But what can I do for the ordinary Greek? Shall I look into the phone book, find a name and send him/her € 100 or € 500? What's the big idea? I for myself cannot save the world. I'ts a pity but I'm unfortunately not Superman. And I truly know that the simple Greek people is suffering. But sure you have seen the amounts of Euros which have floated to Greece since 2010 as I have written in the post for my friend Ioanna.

May I ask what happened with this money? Why the ordinary Greek hasn't participated from this money, from this billions. And here we are again with the Greek "elite". Surely they will have bank accounts in Switzerland - and so too the "honest" Mr. Varoufakis and all his predecessors and all his other colleagues.

And honestly - do you really believe if there will be payed once more 100 or 200 or 500 billion Euros to Greece anything will change? Do you believe this new government will be in a position to eradicate the deep-rooted pest of corruption in this country? I can't - sorry.


Super Vip
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Those numbers all sound HUGE don't they?

That's because compared to a household, economies run on SPECTACULAR budgets.

So, Germany has remitted 50Bn - sounds MASSIVE!

But, the current German debit is over €2,000,000,000,00, so €50,000,000,000 is not actually that much in national debt terms.

Also - what hardship has this caused? Were there big cuts in Germany to pay for this? Lots of people fired? Nope, because Germany can borrow for a pittance, so there was no actual sacrifice.

National debt, unlike household debt is never paid off. All you ever pay back on national debt is interest. At the moment Germany is basically borrowing for free: http://refhide.com/?http://www.wsj....ive-yield-for-first-time-on-record-1424871074

What happened Greece is that interest rates went bat-shit-crazy on their government bonds, so paying back the interest became a problem. What should have happened is that the ECB should have stepped in to support Greece by lending it money at an affordable rate, and that could have been that.

Instead, the ECB, the IMF, and European Commission (the Troika) forced Greece to kill their own economy in the middle of a crisis on the promise that doing exactly the worst possible thing under long-established economic theory would actually fix their economy. It didn't - it made it all much worse, so now Greece is in even bigger trouble than when all this started! Telling Greece to keep doing what is making its economy sicker is nuts, and the Greek people have realised that an elected a new government with a strong mandate NOT to keep doing more of the same.

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome is insane. Why does anyone think the Greeks are going to accept that as a 'solution'?

Would you?

Imagine your doctor fed you something scientists have said for almost 100 years is toxic on the promise that an un-tested theory says it will cure you (expansionary austerity). You reluctantly try it for 5 years, and, unsurprisingly, you are not better, but sicker. When they doctor comes back and tells you you need to take MORE of this 'medicine', how would you respond?

So - Greece was forced to impose draconian cuts in the middle of a deep recession, exactly what economists have known for almost 100 years is the absolute worst thing to do in that situation, on the promise that it would create 'confidence', which would somehow create growth, which would lift the economy out of recession.

They tried that, turns out what we learned during the great depression is still true, and that doing exactly the same thing they did in the 1920s that extended the great depression, also extended the great recession. Imagine that. Repeating the same mistakes from a century ago gives the same disastrous results!

If something is not working, you STOP. You find an alternative, and you give that a go instead. That is what the Greeks are asking for. That is what the German Government is hell-bent against.



Super Vip
May 5, 2012
Reaction score
Yes GB those numbers don't only sound HUGE they ARE HUGE!

And you say so sloppily what hardship this has caused in Germany?! I don't know if that will be the reason for more jobless people in Germany - surely not. As well no children will starve here because of that! But how can you say that that was "no actual sacrifice" for Germany.

Question: How much of your salary you will give every month to poor people in your neighbourhood? Or how much you will give as a tip for the waiter or the waitress in your restaurant?

What you call a "no actual sacrifice" is not the money from the state which you think will fall from the sky. That is money we all have to pay through our taxes. And is in Ireland perhaps a law which says you have to pay your taxes for a foreign country. With these taxes shall be sustained a normal life. It is for the environment, for road building, for schools, for social facilities, for kindergartens and so on and so on. And I believe that will be in Ireland all the same as too in every other country in this world.

But let me tell you one thing: I miss in all your posts here really an answer to my questions. All what you will write here are motherhood statements - nothing more. You are telling me and us here always what we make wrong - but obviously you too have no answers. Only to say what's wrong in your opinion is very easy - but it will lead to nothing.

Your sample with the doctor and the poisoned medicine is inappropriate.
The amount of 237 billion Euros was surely not a poisoned medicine. It was a very, VERY good medicine if the doctor had given it to the patients and not only for himself.
Give me and us here an answer what happened with this HUGE amount - and please not again a diatribe what happened in the 1920's, '30s. Or what the German government has made for mistakes. - Only finally an honest assessment.


Super Vip
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Are we trying to solve the Greek problem? Or just assign blame?

Who started it is kinda irrelevant now. How the bloody hell we are going to fix it is what matters now! The people who are suffering are the ordinary Greeks and they are definitely not the cause. Greece has to be helped back on its feet before the Greek people are forced into extremism because all reasonable routes have been blocked.

People can't suffer indefinitely without responding!

If you do want to argue about the cause, we can go down that road too if you like.

Cause 1) the Greeks were pressured into joining the Euro even though everyone knew they did not actually meet the criteria. Some creative accountants were asked in, and it was all papered over. 2) No one could discipline the Greeks for not sticking to the rules (max 4% deficit spending), because France and Germany were breaking the rules too. 3) when the world economy entered recession, Greece's economy began to shrink, and their slight over-spend got worse because tax income goes down and unemployment payments go up when your economy goes into recession. Greek bonds went up in price. 4) because the Euro is only Half-baked, Greece could not respond - they could not devalue, or raise rates, because the ECB runs the Euro. By entering the Euro, they lost the power to stem the damage before it became too late. 4) When Greece got into trouble, they were just left to fend for themselves until it was WAY too late, and interest rates were at impossible levels.

So - had the big powers not encourages Greece into the Euro despite knowing they did not meet the criteria, they would have been able to get out of this alone.

Had France and Germany not been breaking the rules too, they could have forced Greece to run smaller deficits before the shit hit the fan, but of course you can't force Greece not to do what Germany is doing too!

Finally, when the shit hit the fan, had Europe provided assistance to make up for the fact that the Euro made it impossible for Greece to head off this disaster themselves, it could have been stopped before it got out of control.

So - is there one person to blame - no! Like with so much in the world it is MUCH more complicated than that. The Greeks, the EU, the Germans, and the French get to divide up the blame between them.

Now - once the shit DID hit the fan, that is when is the bad medicine comes in. Greeces is now sick. The Troika came in and FORCED Greece to do exactly what we know is the worst thing to do in a recession - austerity. The Greeks were promised that through the magic of 'confidence', austerity would not contract their already depressed economy further, but would instead make it grow again. That was total and utter bollox! It was at best wishful thinking, at worst criminal incompetence on behalf of the Troika.

So - here we are almsot a decade on. Greece got into trouble because the Euro is only a half-union, and it was then forced to make everything worse for itself by the Troika. Now, the, Troika, under very strong pressure from Germany, is insisting they do MORE of what has already made them sicker, again, promising that this time, it really will make them better.

That is simply insane.

Of course the Greeks have massive debts now - we forced them to further damage their own economy when it was already broken, and we want them to damage it even more!!!

Greece would have to be INSANE to agree to that!



Nov 14, 2010
Reaction score
I'm totally with GB in this matter !

The most urgent problem is ... there is no 'European democracy', no elected European Government, no responsability before a European Parliament ... and this problem has to be solved !
Like already said, no common finances, no common tax policy, no common bank laws, no concertation in financial affairs, etc

I left Germany because of the 'egomania' of the Germans and their state and administration.
No compassion for others, none at all ! All things done have to contribute to the 'welfare' of the German state, and by their vote for their leaders, for the Germans !
And the so called 'elite' and the politicians had no compassion for the common people.

Like I already said in another thread (much to the displeasure of some of the writers) when the (2nd world) war ended and the Marshall-plan was enacted, Germany accepted the help for what it was, 'a helping hand' ... and today when Greece need a helping hand, where a 'the helping hands' from Germany ?
Oh they exist but, conditionnally ! We will help you, if you do exactly what I tell you to do, otherwise ...

Where would Germany be if the EU didn't exist ? Germany is not self-sufficient at all ! It needs foremost the European markets to sell its goods (the european markets are the most important markets for Germans exportations).

So no no thanks to Merkel ! Merkel is a politician without view, be it in intra-German affairs or in world affairs. But her precursors were not better by a long shot :
Kohl, a liar about the costs of German reunification
Schröder a rabble-rouser who got elected by the forementionned common people and he thanked them with a kick in the ass (Harz I-IV).

The actual situation is a result of the costs of the reunification and, like in all other countries, a diminuation of imposition which results in less money in the 'cash box'. ironically, the profiteers of this less imposition were not the common people, but the famous '1%' and the businesses.
You have to add to this the disastrous politic conducted by Barroso, the cynic conduct of some of the members of the EU (Luxembourg first among them), the 'skim mentality of the UK, etc.

And even if it is a fact that Germany is the first contributor to the EU, France, the Netherlands, etc give more than they receive, too.
But even if they grumble, they will not voice their opinion ... because they don't want, not do they need to be put under the same spotlight like Germany !
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Super Vip
May 5, 2012
Reaction score
I'm totally with GB in this matter !

The most urgent problem is ... there is no 'European democracy', no elected European Government, no responsability before a European Parliament ... and this problem has to be solved !
Like already said, no common finances, no common tax policy, no common bank laws, no concertation in financial affairs, etc

I left Germany because of the 'egomania' of the Germans and their state and administration.
No compassion for others, none at all ! All things done have to contribute to the 'welfare' of the German state, and by their vote for their leaders, for the Germans !
And the so called 'elite' and the politicians had no compassion for the common people.

Like I already said in another thread (much to the displeasure of some of the writers) when the (2nd world) war ended and the Marshall-plan was enacted, Germany accepted the help for what it was, 'a helping hand' ... and today when Greece need a helping hand, where a 'the helping hands' from Germany ?
Oh they exist but, conditionnally ! We will help you, if you do exactly what I tell you to do, otherwise ...

Where would Germany be if the EU didn't exist ? Germany is not self-sufficient at all ! It needs foremost the European markets to sell its goods (the european markets are the most important markets for Germans exportations).

So no no thanks to Merkel ! Merkel is a politician without view, be it in intra-German affairs or in world affairs. But her precursors were not better by a long shot :
Kohl, a liar about the costs of German reunification
Schröder a rabble-rouser who got elected by the forementionned common people and he thanked them with a kick in the ass (Harz I-IV).

The actual situation is a result of the costs of the reunification and, like in all other countries, a diminuation of imposition which results in less money in the 'cash box'. ironically, the profiteers of this less imposition were not the common people, but the famous '1%' and the businesses.
You have to add to this the disastrous politic conducted by Barroso, the cynic conduct of some of the members of the EU (Luxembourg first among them), the 'skim mentality of the UK, etc.

And even if it is a fact that Germany is the first contributor to the EU, France, the Netherlands, etc give more than they receive, too.
But even if they grumble, they will not voice their opinion ... because they don't want, not do they need to be put under the same spotlight like Germany !

Dear (?) French(german?),
it is for me always a very great pleasure to discuss and argue with such a very intelligent, sometimes flaring-up :) Irishman like GB. I must admit, that surely we will not find a similarity - but nevertheless it is marvellous and, yes, very often too instructive to argue with him. And I would be happy to do that too in the future about this or that issue of disput.

But and now follows my "BUT" - what you are spouting here as well as in other threads similar to this one, is more than below the belt.

Deep inside of you you must feel an abysmal hate against the country of your birth. In my eyes you are only a very poor and scrubby person. How can you live with this hate in yourself?

It is my opinion that you and everyone here can criticize German Chancellors from now or the past, German politicians and their procedures, German political parties. But criticize doesn't meant to stir up hatred. You should be deeply ashamed about your abstruse, hateful post. The best would be for you to restitute your German citizenship (but perhaps you have done that long ago!) How could you hazard that Germans have no compassion?!:angry: How could you hazard that Germany hasn't reached their helping hand to Greece?!:angry: You left Germany because of the "egomania" of the Germans. How dare you say that? The only answer I can give you to this bucket of sh.... you have just here outpoured over all of your fellow countrymen (oh sorry we don't feel that you will be our fellow countryman!) is UGH, YUCK!


Nov 14, 2010
Reaction score
Dear (?) French(german?),
it is for me always a very great pleasure to discuss and argue with such a very intelligent, sometimes flaring-up :) Irishman like GB. I must admit, that surely we will not find a similarity - but nevertheless it is marvellous and, yes, very often too instructive to argue with him. And I would be happy to do that too in the future about this or that issue of disput.

But and now follows my "BUT" - what you are spouting here as well as in other threads similar to this one, is more than below the belt.

Deep inside of you you must feel an abysmal hate against the country of your birth. In my eyes you are only a very poor and scrubby person. How can you live with this hate in yourself?

It is my opinion that you and everyone here can criticize German Chancellors from now or the past, German politicians and their procedures, German political parties. But criticize doesn't meant to stir up hatred. You should be deeply ashamed about your abstruse, hateful post. The best would be for you to restitute your German citizenship (but perhaps you have done that long ago!) How could you hazard that Germans have no compassion?!:angry: How could you hazard that Germany hasn't reached their helping hand to Greece?!:angry: You left Germany because of the "egomania" of the Germans. How dare you say that? The only answer I can give you to this bucket of sh.... you have just here outpoured over all of your fellow countrymen (oh sorry we don't feel that you will be our fellow countryman!) is UGH, YUCK!

Dear shelter,

I thank you for this message full of acceptance of a point of view different then yours !

I quit Germany, yes, for the reasons mentionned, yes, but I still have a soft spot for it; I still love ... but without the blinders you seem to have !


Super Vip
May 5, 2012
Reaction score
Dear shelter,

I thank you for this message full of acceptance of a point of view different then yours !

I quit Germany, yes, for the reasons mentionned, yes, but I still have a soft spot for it; I still love ... but without the blinders you seem to have !

Read what the French philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy has written to this theme, but perhaps he will have too blinders or is bribed by Mrs. Merkel and the German government.

And my dear friend I accept every point of view different than my own, and I'm ready to learn and to get new insights to change my views if necessery.

But as I've said: you are full of hate against every German. You should better visit a doctor!
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Super Vip
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
But as I've said: you are full of hate against every German. You should better visit a doctor!

You don't believe in a middle ground do you? The moment someone says one bad thing about Germany you take it totally out of context and inflate it to mean they detest everything about Germany and every single German.

That is ridiculous, most people have much more nuanced views than that. We can love some aspects of something, and detest other aspects of the same thing.

You accusation that French German is spreading hatred does not square up with the actual text in his posts.

He doesn't like a character trait he saw as being dominant in German society, and he really does not like German governments of the past few decades.

I live in Ireland because my parents didn't like how materialistic Belgian society was becoming, but they don't HATE Belgium.

I have had very little good to say about any American government that existed in my lifetime. I have less bad to say about Obama's Government that George W. Bush's, but I still have some harsh criticism. I do not HATE America!

Please understand that people's views on something as massive as a country are NOT going to be all positive or all negative. That is only possible if you are fanatical about your country, and that is not a positive trait in my view.



Staff member
Jan 25, 2014
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Our opinions are often influenced by our friend and relatives and even more so by popular media outlets. That's why I like to read these discussions. The opinions of my friends here on GH mean a lot to me and help balance some of the bullshit out there.

It may not seem like it but I know Shelter is the same as I am in this respect. I've seen him change his opinions and position on things after reading opposing points of view. It may take a few days but he is always able to see the truth when it's written and I know he will come to agree with much that has been said. He is a proud German and he does react with a lot of emotion - like I do when I feel America is being overly disrespected.

I think we all feel these emotions sometimes. I have Russian friends on another forum who are probably some of the most emotional of all especially these days when Russia seems to be on a path of self destruction and they feel the pressure from outside and inside of their country.

I love all my friends and I hope we can all understand sometimes words get in the way :)


Super Vip
May 5, 2012
Reaction score
Well, after I've cooled down in the meantime again let me tell you and especially to Frenchgerman the following here very openly:

I think I have in my answer to the post of Frenchgerman overreacted. And with this I'll excuse. I've not to choose my words wisely.

But as well I hope Frenchgerman that you too will find a little bit better words in the future. Don't be so crude and without taste towards the country of your birth.
But one little prick I can't avoid: You have said all Germans have no compassion! Are you the only one from 80,62 billion citizens WITH compassion?


Nov 14, 2010
Reaction score
the core of message shelter wrote is an expression of his experiences, I can accept that without problem.

What i can not accept are the words he used to describe me or my opinions. We had a similar argument when discussing the 'German imigration problem' and more specific the arab and / or turkish imigration. But he was a little bit more carefull with his words than.

Nobody here knows me ... or better said, you only know me by what I've written. So how can he say that I don't like / love my birth country ? Only because I don't esteem Merkel ? Because I have a harsh judgment of Kohl and Schröder ? Because I'm a leftie, a multiculturalist, a defender of the 'poor' and misjudged ?

Who is he to 'accuse' me like that ? Who he believe he is to judge others solely on 10 messages with which he disagrees ?

Does he confirm my opinion on (most / many) Germans ?



Nov 14, 2010
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shelter, when one lives abroad, the point of view is - or can be - very different from those that stayed behind !

I do have compassion and understanding, but certainly not for this kind of behavior, not by the individual and neither (even less) by the leaders.

And the problem is exactley that ! No compassion for the others because they have no vote (for Merkel) ! So to insure her reelction she has to walk a tightrope. But leading, for me, means to have a view of the future, to have a global understanding of worldwide situations, and to be able to evaluate the outcome, not for the 'individual country' but for the system in its entirety ! And here I find her lacking !

And the 'Germans' are only to happy to follow on the harsh criticism of all the other who have different priorities.

It makes me think of a slogan ... a dictum which was used (in Germany) before the 1st WW ... : "Am deutschen Wesen soll die Welt genesen" It appears that it is a reborn reality ... Unfortunately !