I've found that people who love Glee freaking LOVE it. Bold, underlined, italicized, all caps love it. And when I say I can't stand the show, Gleeks act as if I'd just said, "I hate your baby because it's ugly and stupid." I was forced to watch the first half of season 1 because a very good friend said, "It's so good! I have it on DVD! You have to watch it!" The first couple eps weren't bad, but now . . . It's just a mess. It's hyped way too much. If a comet was about to collide with the earth, and there was a new Glee episode on the same week, Glee would get more TV coverage than the comet. And the hype definitely outweighs the quality. Instead of organically inserting the songs into the episodes, it seems like they come up with songs first and then try to create a paper-thin plot around them. The characters are all stereotypes, and there are way too many jammed into the series for me to emotionally empathize with any of them. They just don't resonate. Add in the copious auto-tuning, insufferable mashups (leave the mashups to DJ Earworm where they belong), and Ryan Murphy's annoying Jupiter-sized ego, and it's something akin to nails on a chalkboard for me.
In terms of my own personal hell, the only thing worse is the Twilight series. And renaissance faires.